Tag Archives: Free will

Common Grace Theology, Part 1 – Introduction

Origin and Development of Common Grace Theology

I. Introduction

Common grace doctrine in its present form is little more than a hundred years old, however, the basic idea of it originates primarily in the seventeenth century, less than one hundred years after the Protestant church reformation began in Europe. The seventeenth century was a time of theological development largely due to the ramifications of what transpired in the previous century, when recognition of Rome’s deviation from Scripture became apparent to men within the church. Once begun, the Reformation first encountered opposition from Rome, but eventually, the doctrines of Scripture recovered by the reformers encountered many challenges within the Protestant church as well. The theologians of seventeenth century Europe found themselves needing to clarify certain doctrines among themselves arising from the great reformers of the previous century Continue reading

The Doctrines of Grace


After completing an essay on the Protestant principle of grace alone, I feel it necessary at this time to expand on the theme of the doctrine of grace. In the previous essay my purpose was to show what took place during the Reformation in correcting certain errors that had crept into the ancient church on the relationship of works and grace in salvation. Also, my purpose was to give an account of how the principle of grace alone has devolved since the Reformation. Continue reading

The Principles of Protestantism, Part 4 – Grace Alone

II – Grace Alone

Starting with Scripture as the first principle of Protestantism, we now proceed to grace as the second. The division between the two is comprehended by the designation of the formal and the material causes of salvation. Scripture alone is the formal principle as it is the authority by which salvation is revealed and understood. That is a marked departure from the Roman Pope and Magisterium. Grace alone is the material principle as it is the cause of salvation apart from any other thing such as sacraments or human effort. Actually, the material principle in salvation is comprehended by three things which are Christ alone, given by Grace alone, and received through faith alone. A review of many writers reveals a diversity of thought regarding the order of these principles. Some place faith before grace, while others put the glory of God as the first principle. Lutherans tend to view the principles of Protestantism as primarily three in number, grace, faith, and Scripture. Any order seems appropriate as long as it is constructed properly in terms of a logical explanation of each. So with this in mind, we have chosen grace as the next principle. Continue reading

 Good and Evil


The following paper is comprised from a number of thoughts I have been dwelling upon of late, all of which are related to the sovereignty of God and the freedom of man. These thoughts followed a study I undertook recently of an exposition from the Book of Romans, chapters nine through eleven. This particular exposition was actually a series of sermons preached by Dr. Herman Hoeksema[1] many years ago on this text. The original reason for my interest in this portion of Scripture was actually concerning something other than what is contained in this paper. I was studying this section of Scripture out of an interest in resolving in my mind exactly what the apostle Paul meant when he said in chapter eleven “And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; For this is My covenant with them, When I take away their sins.” (Rom. 11:26,27). My primary interest was in God’s covenant, especially since I have been writing on the subject.[2] Continue reading